"These will be popular with people who need a phone in an emergency, either because they have lost their phone or it has run out of battery - They are for people who know what they want and who don't want to go through the rigmarole of talking to a sales assistant." “The kiosks will sell three sorts of Vodafone phones, with the range changed every month to take into account the latest models and trends.” Souce: Daily Telegraph
The idea certainly seems interesting (I have been through this situation once – and the result, buying a cheap Alcatel that was never used afterwards) – and in particular very convenient to mobile manufactures further push their entry-level headsets. It is not difficult to figure out that many people will get a second mobile phone “just in case”.
Guess who will "subsidize" Quickphone?
Qual o problema de postar em português?
The difference between posting in english or in portuguese is the number of people that can read it. Portuguese can fortunatly read English - but not vice versa. Thats why.
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